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The videos are “draggable” using JavaScript; this is the primary interactive element of this page. The cursor changes to cursor: move
via JavaScript. A great deal of math and cross-device capability checks are in the JavaScript for the draggable functionality of the videos. In particular, the touchstart and touchend events are used if available (instead of mousedown and mouseup). A significant amount of the JavaScript that is pertinent to this page is dedicated to the smooth kinetic scrolling. Try dragging the video quickly and letting go; similar to Apple’s built in scrolling behavior, we see the video strip retain velocity and slow down over time. Read More

Play nice! We deliberately select work which will benefit from advice and pointers. If you can’t be constructive in your comments, don’t. Other than that, offer any advice you can give. Feel free to link to examples and images which back up your points.
Today we will take a look at how to add some sense of depth to your photographs and thus make them become alive and more interesting to the viewer. By making use of some simple but very effective factors that can be applied at the time of exposure, you can make a your picture pop. Today, we’ll talk about perspective, depth of field, and framing.